life is a series of adventures, not one great one. here's where the energy of my Renaissance Soul lies at the moment...
Teaching English in Hanoi, Vietnam

July 14, 2010

Rainy Season

Heya Folks,

Vietnam is having unpredictable weather at the minute. Most days it's scorchingly hot, so much so that you cant go outside during the middle of the day. At other times, like yesterday morning, rain hits dramatically and unexpectedly. This particular downpour continued for three hours, and left most of Hanoi underwater. After spotting a motorbike floating away down my street, I didnt even try to go to work.
Fun Times

SarahHeadsEast xx

PS At the time, I was marooned on my bed watching my room slowly flood, so the above is googled I'm afraid.

1 comment:

Jill said...

oooooh Arty!!!!