life is a series of adventures, not one great one. here's where the energy of my Renaissance Soul lies at the moment...
Teaching English in Hanoi, Vietnam

August 8, 2010

Cafe Surfing

Heya Folks,

This week, oive been mostly.........stealing WiFi from Hanoi's great and good cafes and coffeeshops.

Never have I had so much caffeine, or eked out bottles of waters for so long, as in the past seven days. Since the internet failed in my house over a week ago, its been a daily task to 'get online'. Luckily Hanoi is technomologically fantastic so it hasnt been too hard! It started out as a novelty, then a mild irritation, and now it's just outright annoying, especially when I have lessons to plan. I shall be glad when the internet line is fixed at home.

Luckily all this cafe-surfing has had an upside too. I have been very busy this past month in reviewing all the places I spend so much time in for 'The New Hanoian', expat website and fount of knowledge for all things Hanoian. I must say its been excellant fun writing creatively again, and it's encouraged us to break out of the routine and find new places to review. Have discovered some absolute gems this way. Click here for my musings.

Every month, they give prizes to prolific reviewers, and in August, I was the lucky one! I won a bounty of delicious dishes from the aptly named 'Yummy Desserts', which I've decided to savour for a few weeks until my birthday, and host a desserts party! Fab, fun, tasty and FREE. What could be finer.
This week, we also hosted the weekly pub quiz at the R&R Tavern, steadfast expat hangout. The quiz is a firm fixture of our weekly socialising and so it was only a matter of time before we were to host it. Together with my friend Ashton, we put together two rounds of trivia, an awesome music round, beer round, and what I consider to be the best picture round in R&R history (Characters by Mr Potato Head, and Famous Facial Hair). Everyone seemed to have a good time, and I must admit it was such a buzz to host it, that we're already planning to host again in September.

And thats about all up to date for my fun and full Hanoi life. I'm in Bangkok next weekend to renew the visa stamp, and cant wait to explore a new Asian Megacity!

Until Next Time

SarahHeadsEast xx

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