life is a series of adventures, not one great one. here's where the energy of my Renaissance Soul lies at the moment...
Teaching English in Hanoi, Vietnam

September 26, 2010


Heya Folks,
It seems that September has been a particularly 'noisy' month blogwise, what with my birthday and catching up on all the parts of my ter-ravels with Dad. I hope that you are enjoying all the posts, please feel free to email me or leave a comment; though a blog is, by design, a one-sided conversation, it is sometimes nice to get a reply :).

You might also note that there has been a rapid succession of dramatic updates to the design and content of the blog, with the particular addition of kooky extras if you care to divert your eyes right. ---------------------------------------------->

The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, I have had a quiet teaching week, and occupied my free time by 'messing around' on this site :). Secondly, I have come to the realisation that I have LOVED keeping a web record of my adventures in Hanoi; It began as an online diary and email shortcut, but I feel I may have evolved from that, and genuinely enjoy the creativity of composing posts. Its not something I really want to give up, when I give up the adventure this November; so I'm using my Renaissance-Soul brain to find a way of keeping a presence on the web next year.

As an astronmer might have said at some point....'Watch This Space'

SarahHeadsEast xx

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