life is a series of adventures, not one great one. here's where the energy of my Renaissance Soul lies at the moment...
Teaching English in Hanoi, Vietnam

December 13, 2009

a reflection of sorts...

...believe it or not (and I dont), I'm heading into my fourth week here in Hanoi, and shall soon be crossing off my first month in the 'Nam. Crazy but true. Looking back over the past few weeks, it has been a whirlwind.

Coming back to Hanoi was like I'd never been away, and it was barely a day before I felt like I lived here. Volunteering at the Children's Palace has been an experience; I've been reminded of the crap organisation and lack of planning, but surprised myself by teaching some really cracking lessons. I've learnt to teach on the hoof and go with the flow, and not to expect every lesson to resemble a CELTA training course. I've been reminded of how fun teaching English is, and how a little material can go a long way. I've rediscovered old haunts like Tamarind Cafe and the Temple of Literature. And I've christened new ones like Papa Joes and Nola Cafe. I've eaten more Kem than is strictly healthy, and am well on the way to putting on weight here rather than losing it. I've made Vietnamese friends in unusual places, and discovered how crap I am at Salsa. I'm now teaching lessons for cash, and love the confidence boost each successful lesson brings. I've been back to Hidden Hanoi, and discovered its never the same second time around. I love studying Vietnamese, and try and practice as much as I can, especially with Xe Om drivers. I un-mugged myself by asking my employers for more money, and then learnt how to make Nem Chay. I found great friends in Fivimart, but still managed time for a Bia Hoi with the traveleasers. I've embraced cafe culture, and finally tracked down a decent cup of coffee. I've complained about the early morning school song everyday but secretly love it and can't think of a better alarm call. I've twice asked myself 'How did I end up here?' and decided that 'life' is probably the correct answer. There have been days when I've questioned if I've done the right thing, and others when the wave of enthusiasm nearly leaves me airborne. I've greeted CNN, HBO and BBC World like old friends. I dont expect every day to be perfect, but most of them are.

I live in Hanoi.

SarahHeadsEast xxx

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