life is a series of adventures, not one great one. here's where the energy of my Renaissance Soul lies at the moment...
Teaching English in Hanoi, Vietnam

November 29, 2009

Why there are no photos on this blog, and other news...

Hey all,

I survived the two-day long journey to Hanoi from Whitley Bay. My digital camera, it seems, did not. I discovered this on a trip out this afternoon to the Temple of Literature, my favourite Hanoi spot. I was planning a group of photos of the 'lesser-known' aspects of this beautiful temple series, given that I have already snapped the traditional pics on previous visits. For now they will have to remain not just 'lesser-known', but completely 'unknown'. However, I seem to arrived in a technological revolution, and Hanoi seems to be evolving digitally like never before, so shouldnt be too long before I'm sorted again.

In other news of moderate un-interest, the stone which caused my foot injury in 2007 is gone! Dug up and covered over with some sand. Perhaps my bone-breaking instigated a pavement-reform. Perhaps not. Either way my little toe is relieved.

Below are a few pics from my library-stock of Hanoi images of the Temple of Literature (Van Mieu). It's gorgeaus here, a real gem and a peaceful retreat from the crazyness of the city. Its especially peaceful later on in the afternoon when the tourists thin out and early evening sunlight creeps in. I sat for a while pondering the inherantly moronic affectation of some tourists, when some Vietnamese students stopped to chat. They were delighted to discover that I could speak a little Vietnamese, and we muddled through a conversation in a Viet-Eng hybrid. It was great fun. One of them, who's name I sadly didn't retain, taught me how to make an origami flower from a 1000VND note. All in all a wonderful afternoon.

SarahHeadsEast xx

1 comment:

Jill said...

I hope you get the camera sorted soon if nothing else but for this years pictures of oddly shaped trees at the temple of literature. It just wouldn't be the same...